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  1. Kiddie Kloset spaces/tables will be available first to WECPTA members in good standing (membership dues paid). Any remaining Kiddie Kloset spaces will be open to the public. 

  2. Space reservations are non-refundable. Please check your calendar before reserving a spot. A seller information package will be e-mailed to you approximately one week before the sale. If for some reason you are unable to attend the event after purchasing a table, please contact us and we may provide you a list of contact information of individuals on a waiting list for tables.  It is not the responsibility of WECPTA to find a replacement seller for you.  If for some reason you must transfer your table to another individual, the new seller's information must be provided to us at at least two (2) weeks prior to the sale.

  3. We are not able to guarantee a specific table location or spot. A limited number of spaces are available and fill up quickly. 

  4. Everyone must provide their own tables, clothing racks, and displays. Two chairs per space will be provided. 

  5. Spaces are approximately 8’ x 8.’ Please be courteous of your neighbors and do not infringe upon their space. Committee members will be around to move items if necessary to make the aisles uniform and orderly. 

  6. We ask that all sellers, as well as Kiddie Kloset committee members, wear wristbands and name tags the night of set-up. Please note: sellers are limited to 1 (one) helper only, whether you have one or two spaces. You will be given two (2) wristbands total. Committee members will be checking for wristbands and may ask sellers and their helpers to show identification if needed. Anyone without a wristband will be asked to leave. 

  7. The elementary school may have other events going on at the time of set up and the sale. WECPTA is not responsible for any stolen or lost items. 

  8. We request that ONE ADULT remain at your table at all times during the sale. This is to maintain the safety of everyone involved.

  9. Please be respectful to the committee volunteers and your fellow sellers. Any seller who disrupts the sale may be asked to leave and may not sell at a future sale. 

  10. Please leave your area tidy. You are responsible for throwing away garbage and unwanted items and taking donated items to designated collection areas. 

Thank you!

6:30 pm, second Tuesday of each month
September - May
Westlake Elementary School

© 2020 Westlake Early Childhood PTA
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